Campaign Platform

Return the Power of Government to the American People

Symbols of the Ten Universal Principles

At the end of World War II, the United States established a four-year program called the Marshall Plan or European Recovery Program (ERP) in which the United States donated over $12 Billion in economic assistance to help Western European economies recover from the devastation of the war.  It is proposed that an eight-year Marshall Plan be established for America, an American Recovery Plan (ARP), to provide a firm foundation for America to recover from its internal wars, which are devastating the nation socially and economically.  A set of Universal Principles are needed that can help us all work together toward a safer and much more prosperous America.  We must develop a vision for the future that includes all of the citizens of America working together to create a better life and a better America for everyone, because “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18).  This plan will be based on love, truth, transparency, competition, and common sense, and it will be focused on fixing our relationships, fixing our democracy, fixing our money, fixing our infrastructure, fixing our environment, and fixing our foreign policy.  Following is a synopsis of the proposed ARP; the detailed implementation plans will be presented elsewhere on this website:



The Purpose of the ARP is to Utilize the Ten Universal Principles to Promote:

  1. Unity
  2. Accountability
  3. Economic Growth

The Goals of the ARP are to:

  1. Eliminate the Gridlock Between the Political Parties in Washington D.C.
  2. Return the Power of Government to the People
  3. Provide Full Employment for All Eligible American Citizens

The Concepts of the ARP will be Based on:

  • Love
  • Truth
  • Transparency
  • Competition
  • Common Sense

The Ten Universal Principles are:

  1. Universal Principle #1 (UP-1) - Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and protect innocent children. (Survival)
  2. Universal Principle #2 (UP-2) - Subdue the earth by being good stewards of the natural resources created by God. (Environment)
  3. Universal Principle #3 (UP-3) - Eat the flesh of animals, if we desire, but refrain from eating their blood (Atonement).
  4. Universal Principle #4 (UP-4) - Exercise dominion over and be good stewards of all the living things created by God. (Environment)
  5. Universal Principle #5 (UP-5) - Treat the life of every human being as sacred, and treat other people the way we want to be treated (Social Harmony)
  6. Universal Principle #6 (UP-6) - Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy by being a good steward of our physical body and mind. (Personal Well-being)
  7. Universal Principle #7 (UP-7) - Recognize and acknowledge when we have been proven to be wrong (Conviction).
  8. Universal Principle #8 (UP-8) - Confess when we are wrong (Confession).
  9. Universal Principle #9 (UP-9) - Repent of our wrongdoing and ask God (if there is belief in God) and those we have wronged for forgiveness. (Repentance).
  10. Universal Principle #10 (UP-10) - Forgive those who have treated us wrong (Forgiveness).

The Objectives of the ARP are to:

  1. Fix Our Relationships
  2. Fix Our Democracy
  3. Fix Our Money
  4. Fix Our Infrastructure
  5. Fix Our Environment
  6. Fix Our Foreign Policy

We currently face a leadership crisis in America, because the founders of this nation designed our government to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people.  But instead, we have a government of the special interests, by the special interests, and for the special interests.  Our elected politicians appear to be controlled by an institutionalized system of bribery where leaders are chosen based on the amount of money they can raise to discredit their opponents, rather than the ideas they have for the advancement and prosperity of the nation.  And legislation is passed or not passed based on the power of money and lobbyists who dominate the decision-making process at the committee level in Congress where laws are written.  Politicians appear to have more loyalty and allegiance to the political parties they belong to and the special interest groups that keep them in power, than the nation and the people they are elected to serve.   We need leaders who are accountable to the people they are elected to serve.

In our government, the House, Senate, and White House currently work like the Three Stooges.  When the party of two of the Stooges is in power, the party of the third Stooge looks for ways to be heard by the other two Stooges, otherwise they must find uncooperative ways to exercise their power.  Consequently, we have a stalemate and gridlock in Washington, which strangles the progress of the nation, because each party has its own agenda and there is no unity.  Instead, the House, Senate, and White House should work like the Three Musketeers.  They should follow Universal Principles that will allow them to work as one, like the Three Musketeers, for the well-being of the whole nation.  We the people need Universal Principles that will help us to identify and elect more Musketeers and transform the Stooges into Musketeers, who are able to work in unity for the benefit of everyone.  We must be aware of what Scripture teaches us, “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” (Mark 3:24-25). 

We face a spiritual crisis in America, because we have abandoned many of the principles that this country was founded on.  The Declaration of Independence includes the following:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”

It is evident from this document that the founders of this nation acknowledged that there is a Creator in the universe and intended that our government should ultimately work for the benefit of all the people.  Yet our government has since restricted the teaching of the Bible, as an elective course in our public schools, because they have assumed it is a purely religious book and interferes with the separation of church and state.  Consequently, our children are taught that life on earth evolved from a single organism as a scientific fact, even though it has not been proven by scientific evidence.   The fact is, scientific discoveries continue to provide evidence that the universe was created at a specific point in time by intelligent design, which is consistent with the Biblical record.  I believe the teaching of the Bible should be an option, but not mandatory, in all public and private educational institutions, and everyone should be free to worship as they please or not to worship at all.

We also face a social crisis in America, because in many cases we do not treat other people the way we want to be treated and we do not treat the life of every human being as sacred.  This applies to relationships between police and the communities they serve, relationships within ethnic groups, relationships between the races, relationships between religious organizations, relationships between companies and other organizations, and relationships between nations.  We need a set of Universal Principles that transcend all our differences and allow us to work together for the common good of humanity.  We need Universal Principles to deal with the proliferation of abortions by providing guidelines and support that will allow the stakeholders to make better decisions.  We need to establish systems that will allow citizens and law enforcement officials to work together to identify and resolve issues relating to illegal immigration, crime, and family problems.  We need Universal Principles to help fugitives from justice, drug dealers, drug abusers, gang members, prisoners, and corrupt government officials repair their lives and become law-abiding and more productive citizens.

Appendix 16 below is a summary of the proposed Comprehensive 8-Year American Recovery Plan (ARP), which shows the planned 8-year legislative agenda for each of the six planned objectives:  Fix Our Relationships, Fix Our Democracy, Fix Our Money, Fix Our Infrastructure, Fix our Environment, and Fix our Foreign Policy.  The detailed research and the statistics that would be used as performance benchmarks are included elsewhere on this website under the detailed discussion of each objective.  

4Book Appendix 16 - Proposed 8-Year American Recovery Plan (ARP)

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