Fix Our Foreign Policy

Fix Our Foreign Policy Agenda

To fix our foreign policy, the following 8-year agenda is proposed for the four two-year election cycles from 2021 to 2028.

  1. Election Cycle 1 – 2021 to 2022 (Foreign Policy):
    1. Work with the United Nations and our allies to establish military strategies and tactics such that a concerted effort is made to establish a “safe zone” within the country or countries involved in conflicts to protect the lives of innocent civilians and children, so that the refugees from the conflicts will have a safe place to flee to inside each country.  This includes the use of surveillance equipment, weapons, and military tactics that would create “no fly zones” that protect the sky above and the perimeter around the “safe zones.”  This would help solve the massive refugee problems and civilian casualties that come with most conflicts.  It would also maintain a large contingent of civilians within the country with the incentive to become involved in a peaceful and representative government after the conflict is over. (Department of State) (Department of Defense)
    2. Once the “safe zones” have been established to protect innocent civilians and children, continue to work with the United Nations and our allies to help establish a ceasefire between the warring factions by utilizing the Universal Principles and military tactics to help find a common ground for a lasting peace that reduces political tensions within each country and the world community. (Department of State) (Department of Defense)
    3. By utilizing the Universal Principles, the U.S. must not use our military power to attempt to confiscate or control the resources of other countries without their consent, as some have suggested, but instead, we should use our military to protect our nation and its citizens from those nations and individuals who consistently violate the Universal Principles that lead to peace, prosperity, and survival of everyone. (Department of State) (Department of Defense)
    4. Instead of focusing primarily on military sales to the countries involved in conflicts, work with these and other countries as broad-based trading partners.  Our focus should be on selling raw materials, products and expertise to help them develop to become better customers for our industries; and purchasing raw materials, products and expertise from their industries for those areas where we have deficiencies in resources or competition in our country.  The goal of the U.S. should be to improve the standard of living for our citizens, as well as the citizens of the other countries we are trading with, while reducing political tensions around the world. (Department of Commerce) (Department of Defense)
    5. When the U.S. is directly involved in a conflict with another country, we should attempt to resolve the conflict through direct political negotiations with our adversary.  If that is not possible, and time permits, we should try to work through the United Nations and our allies to resolve the conflict.  If that option is not successful, then we would have no other option but to use military strategies and tactics to resolve the conflict.  Our goal should be to do all we can to achieve and preserve the peace before committing our military and the lives of our soldiers to war. (Department of State) (Department of Defense)
    6. The U.S. State Department, the intelligence community, and the military should continue to have the ongoing task of monitoring and evaluating the political and military developments and deployments of foreign countries to assure that the U.S. is second to no other country in military preparedness, but at the same time work toward the continued reduction in nuclear armaments and military conflicts around the world. (Department of State) (Department of Defense)
    7. After the flow of illegal immigrants has been brought under conrol by the proposed PPIS, but before beginning the evaluation process of the illegal immigrants already living in America, establish agreements with Mexico and other countries.  These agreements should include the humane treatment of non-criminal illegal immigrants who must be deported from the U.S. by working with these countries to provide safe deportation facilities until the deportees can be reunited with their families.  (Department of State) 
  1. Election Cycle 2 – 2023 to 2024 (Foreign Policy):
    1. Work with local, state, and national leaders to utilize the proposed PPIS to track the flow if illegal drugs, weapons, and money crossing the U.S. borders.  U.S. drug enforcement authorities would be able to utilize the PPIS to track weapons and money and move up the supply chain to the higher-level drug dealers, middlemen, and drug producers, but they would need to establish close working relationships with the drug enforcement authorities in Mexico and other countries to gather the evidence necessary to obtain criminal convictions.  Drug enforcement authorities in the U.S. and the other countries could negotiate to give the drug traffickers the option to turn themselves in to authorities, confess to their crimes and show repentance through fines based on the size and nature of their criminal operations.  In return the authorities would reduce their potential prison sentences and make it possible for them to eventually obtain their freedom.  Otherwise, the drug traffickers would stand to lose all of their possessions and spend the rest of their lives in prison.  The countries involved in pursuing and gathering evidence on the drug traffickers would share in the fines obtained to support their own drug rehabilitation and enforcement programs.  (Department of Homeland Security) (Department of Justice)
    2. Work with other countries, particularly the countries in North and South America, to improve social, political and economic cooperation between our countries, so that their citizens will have a stable and relatively secure and safe environment to live in.  This would substantially reduce the number of people who are risking their lives and family fortunes to flee their countries to find freedom from excessive violence, coercion, abuse, and exploitation.  It would also make it easier for foreigners to come to this country on a regular, temporary basis to assist our industries with temporary employment that is not readily available, and for American citizens to go to foreign countries to assist them with their social and economic problems. (Department of State)  

  C. Election Cycle 3 – 2025 to 2026 (Foreign Policy):

  1. Work with other countries to back up their monetary systems with their natural resources, raw materials, and other capital resources (solid rocks), rather than the credit worthiness of each country (shifting sand), so that America can build trade relationships that will provide economic benefits for our country as well as the other countries involved. (Department of Commerce) (Department of the Treasury)
  2. Work with other countries to develop a system that would allow the currencies of countries to be used as a medium of exchange, rather than a commodity, with the goal of establishing a stable worldwide standard for evaluating the currencies, commodities, natural resources, raw materials, and other capital resources of all countries. (Department of Commerce) (Department of the Treasury)
  1. Election Cycle 4 – 2027 to 2028 (Foreign Policy):
  1. Outsource excess American jobs to other countries, particularly underdeveloped countries, to help them improve their standard of living and environment. The excess American jobs created by the Asset/Capital-Based Monetary System from investments in infrastructure and environmental projects, along with tax incentives to recover or replace the outsourced jobs that directly impact the social, economic, and military security of the country, would provide full employment for all Americans who are willing and able to work.  The U.S. Department of Education would work with educational institutions and American industries to match the skills of the nation with the needs of American industries. (Department of Commerce) (Department of Education)
  1. Export the technologies we develop for 100% recycling plants, and assist other underdeveloped countries in building recycling plants and finding applications for the recycled raw materials within their own country.  The objectives of America would be to lead the struggle to recover the worldwide damage that has occurred to the earth’s environment, and to improve the standard of living of the citizens of other countries, so that they will become better trading partners for all American products and services. (Department of Commerce)


Detailed Discussion of Proposed Foreign Policy Initiatives

Because of the internet, social media, sports, and the civil rights movement, America and much of the world community no longer have widespread racial problems associated with deliberate and blatant Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow discrimination, but we still have the age-old Green problem of excessive greed for money, power, and material wealth that uses systemic racism and discrimination to accomplish their objectives.  The election of Barack Obama as the first black President of the United States and the popularity of integrated sports in America and around the world are clear evidences of the positive improvements in racial attitudes in America and the world.  However, our nation and the world continue to be ruled and controlled by a tiny group of people in the tradition of kings, dictators, and power brokers, which is contrary to the stated intentions of the founders of our nation, who envisioned our democracy as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

In America the power brokers are able to continually increase their control of government and the American economy, because they have the financial power to influence our electoral and legislative processes, and they have been given the authority by Congress to control the supply of money to our national economy, which means they are able to control the New York Stock Exchange and influence the global market place.  These power brokers have been able to stay in power by sowing discord, deception, secrecy, and monopolistic practices that stifle competition and deter cooperative relationships between citizens and relationships between nations.  

Although America supposedly has a free press, big money still has a significant influence on the “headline news” that the public consumes each day, and that news is usually focused on what is happening to “other people” and not what is happening to us as a nation.  Consequently, public opinion is driven by this type of “other people” news rather than national issues that directly impact the public physically, socially, and financially.  The public usually gets the truth about a national issue when the nation is in the middle of a crisis which is directly impacting them.  Due to the tremendous power of the vote in our democracy, the public must have more “headline news” about the issues that are impacting us as a nation, such as the nation debt crisis, which is stifling true economic growth and globalization, which is taking away good American jobs.  This type of “headline news” would provide the public with the knowledge to elect leaders who will protect the general welfare of all citizens, as well as the long-term prosperity of the nation.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a message back in 1954, before he became involved in the civil rights movement, which is more relevant and timelier today than when he delivered it, entitled “Rediscovering Lost Values.”  It comes from Tape #1 of the tape series entitled “A Knock at Midnight.”  Dr. King begins by stating that there is something fundamentally and basically wrong with our world today, because the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live.  We have not learned how to be just and honest and kind and true and loving toward one another.  Through our scientific genius, we have made of the world a neighborhood, but through our moral and spiritual genius we have failed to make of her a brotherhood.  The problem is within the hearts and souls of men.

To go forward, he asserts that we must go back and rediscover some mighty precious values we have left behind.  Modern man has gotten on the wrong parkway, and if he is to go forward to the city of salvation, he must go back and get on the right parkway.  If we are to make this world a better place in which to live, we must go back and rediscover two precious values we have left behind.  According to Dr. King, the first value we need to discover is that: all reality hinges on moral foundations.  He asserts that this is a moral universe and there are moral laws of the universe that are just as abiding as the physical laws of the universe.  There is a law of love in the universe, and if we disobey it, we will suffer the consequences.

Dr. King states that there are two things that convince him that we don’t believe that there are moral laws that are just as abiding as physical laws, and that we don’t believe this is a moral universe.  First, we have adopted a relativistic ethic or attitude about right and wrong.  Most people can’t stand up to their convictions about a moral issue, because the majority of people might not be doing it, so it must be wrong, or because the majority of people are doing it, so it must be right.  They have a numerical interpretation of what’s right or wrong based on who and how many people are doing it.

But there are some things in the universe that are absolutely right and some things that are absolutely wrong, no matter if everyone is doing them or not.  It is absolutely wrong to hate our fellow human beings.  It’s absolutely wrong to throw our lives away in riotous living.  Some moral and spiritual things in the universe are absolute and eternal.  The God of the universe has made it so.  We are revolting against the very laws of God by our relativistic attitude about right and wrong.

According to Dr. King, there is a second thing that convinces him that we don’t believe this is a moral universe, which is that we have adopted a pragmatic test of what’s right or wrong. Whatever works is right.  If it works, it’s all right.  Nothing is wrong, but that which does not work.  If you don’t get caught, its right.  It’s all-right to disobey the Ten Commandments, but just don’t disobey the eleventh, thou shall not get caught.  That’s the prevailing attitude in our culture.  It doesn’t matter what you do, but just do it with a bit of finesse.  An attitude of the survival of the slickest, not the Darwinian survival of the fittest, but the survival of the slickest determines who is right.  It’s all-right to lie, but lie with dignity.  It’s all-right to steal and to rob and extort, but do it with finesse.  It’s even all-right to hate, but dress your hate up in garments of love and make it appear you are loving, when you are actually hating.  Just get by.  That’s the thing that’s right according to this new ethic.  This attitude is destroying the soul of our culture, and it is destroying our nation.  Dr. King states further that what we need in the world today is a group of men and women who will stand up for right and be opposed to wrong wherever it is.  A group of people who will come to see that some things are wrong whether they are never caught up with, and some things are right whether nobody sees you doing them or not. 

According to Dr. King, the second value that we must rediscover is that:  all reality has spiritual controls, and we must go back and rediscover the principle that there is a God behind the process.  He asks the question: since we go to church or are in church, shouldn’t that mean that we already believe in God and should not have to go back and discover that?  Dr. King states that it is possible to affirm the existence of God with our lips, but deny His existence with our lives.  The most dangerous type of atheism is not theoretical atheism, but practical atheism.  The world, and even the church, is filled with people who pay lip service to God, but not life service.  There is always the danger that we will make it appear externally that we believe in God, when internally we don’t.  We say with our mouths that we believe in God, but we live our lives like He never existed.

According to Dr. King, that is what has happened in America.  We have unconsciously left God behind.  We have become so involved in materialism and the accumulation of wealth that we have forgotten about God, and things and money have become our substitutes for God.  But he warns us that none of these things can become real substitutes for God, because long before these things came into existence, we needed God, and long after they are gone, we will still need God.  Consequently, he concludes that we can’t put our faith in things which are here today and gone tomorrow, but we must put our faith in the God who can be with us forever.  We must put our faith in something that is eternal and absolute, a God who is the same today, tomorrow and forever. All of these material things will come and go, but the word of God will stand forever.  This is the God of the universe and the God who will last through the ages.  If we are to go forward today, we must go back and find that God.  Therefore, to do that, according to Dr. King, we must go back and rediscover those mighty precious principles that:  all reality hinges on moral foundations, and all reality has spiritual controls.

The Universal Principles, which were derived from a scientific analysis of the Holy Bible, are based on the love that Dr. King talked about so passionately throughout his public ministry.  The moral foundations that Dr. King talked about were established by God in the Old Testament of the Bible through the laws, judgments, and ordinances He instituted with the Nation of Israel to let them know, and to let humanity know, the conduct that would be contrary to His will.  God also established the Levitical priesthood and the blood sacrifices of animals to atone for the sins of the nation, due to His love, grace, and mercy, because He knew they would not be able to fully comply with His laws, judgments, and ordinances.  

According to the New Testament of the Bible, God established the spiritual controls that Dr. King talked about through the teachings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  These spiritual controls are embodied in the redemptive process of conviction, confession, repentance, and forgiveness, which enables us to be reconciled with God as we are reconciled with our fellow human beings.  This redemptive process transforms our attitude from a worldly attitude of selfishness, self-righteousness and judgment to a spiritual attitude of love, humility, and forgiveness.

I believe that the primary relationship problem in America and our world today is that we cherry-pick those moral foundations from the Bible that fit our personal, religious, and political paradigms of what the social order for humanity should be.  Then we use those personal, religious, and political paradigms to continually pick “judgmental boogers” out of the noses of those around us, while, at the same time, there is “selfish, self-righteous snot” running out of our own noses.  We all must realize that when we face the divine judgment of the almighty God, we all have “snotty noses,” and the spiritual controls embodied in the redemptive process of conviction, confession, repentance, and forgiveness enable us to continually reconcile our relationship with God as we reconcile our relationships with our fellow human beings.  When we submit to this redemptive process as we live our lives from day to day, God is able to continually wipe our “snotty noses” completely clean, including the boogers.  This redemptive process is just as true and necessary for the “Church Houses” of the world as it is for the “Main Streets” of the world.

The proposed Comprehensive 8-Year American Recovery Plan (ARP) is based on the concepts of love, truth, transparency, competition, and common sense, and it has utilized the Universal Principles to address the major issues facing our nation.  These same Universal Principles that drive our domestic policies should also drive our foreign policies.  There are at least four major foreign policy issues that have a substantial impact on the social, economic, and political environment in the U.S. and they are:  the current political and military conflicts in foreign countries; the illegal immigration and drug trafficking across U.S. borders; the impact of globalization on personal income, unemployment, and poverty; and cyber-crime and identity theft within and across U.S. borders.  The following paragraphs will describe how the ARP would address these four major foreign policy issues.

  1. Political and military conflicts in foreign countries
    1. When there are political or military conflicts within a foreign country or between one or more foreign countries, the primary objective of the U.S. should be to work with the United Nations and our allies to help establish a ceasefire and work with the warring factions to negotiate a peaceful solution to the conflicts.  If it is not possible to negotiate an immediate ceasefire, consider implementing the following initiatives:
    2. Work with the United Nations and our allies to establish military strategies and tactics such that a concerted effort is made to establish a “safe zone” within the country or countries involved in conflicts to protect the lives of innocent civilians and children, so that the refugees from the conflicts will have a safe place to flee to inside each country.  This includes the use of surveillance equipment, weapons, and tactics that would create “no fly zones” that protect the sky above and the perimeter around the “safe zones.”  This would help solve the massive refugee problems and civilian casualties that come with most conflicts.  It would also maintain a large contingent of civilians within the country with the incentive to become involved in a peaceful and representative government after the conflict is over.
    3. Once the “safe zones” have been established to protect innocent civilians and children, continue to work with the United Nations and our allies to help establish a ceasefire between the warring factions by utilizing the Universal Principles and military tactics to help find a common ground for a lasting peace that reduces political tensions within each country and the world community.  
    4. Utilizing the Universal Principles, the United States must not use its military power to attempt to confiscate or control the resources of other countries without their consent, as some have suggested, but instead, we should use our military to protect our nation and its citizens from those nations and individuals who consistently violate the Universal Principles that lead to peace, prosperity, and survival of everyone.
    5. Instead of focusing primarily on military sales to the countries involved in conflicts, work with these and other countries as broad-based trading partners.  Our focus should be on selling raw materials, products and expertise to help them develop to become better customers for our industries; and purchasing raw materials, products and expertise from their industries for those areas where we have deficiencies in resources and competition in our country.  The goal of the U.S. should be to improve the standard of living for its citizens, as well as the citizens of the other countries we are trading with, while reducing political tensions around the world.
    6. When the U.S. is directly involved in a conflict with another country, we should attempt to resolve the conflict through direct political negotiations with our adversary.  If that is not possible, and time permits, we should try to work through the United Nations and our allies to resolve the conflict.  If that option is not successful, then we would have no other option but to use military strategies and tactics to resolve the conflict.  Our goal should be to do all we can to achieve and preserve the peace before committing our military and the lives of our young soldiers to war.
    7. The U.S. State Department, the intelligence community, and the military should continue to have the ongoing task of monitoring and evaluating the political and military developments and deployments of foreign countries to assure that the U.S. is second to no other country in military preparedness, but at the same time work toward the continued reduction in nuclear armaments and military conflicts around the world.
  2. Illegal immigration and drug trafficking across U.S. borders

    The implementation of the proposed Public Personal Identification System (PPIS) would make it possible for every U.S. citizen to get involved in helping to control the flow of illegal immigrants across all of our borders, not just those crossing the southern border.  Once the flow of illegal immigrants has beenbrought under control, the illegal immigrants already in this country would be evaluated according to the INA principles approved by Congress.  The INA principle concerning the reunification of families would give special consideration to immigrants who qualify for DACA and DAPA.  These evaluations should provide a pathway to citizenship for those illegal immigrants who qualify under the INA principles and guidelines.  The proposed PPIS and the issues of illegal immigration and drug trafficking are discussed in detail in the “Fix Our Democracy” Section of this website.  
  3. Impact of globalization on the income, unemployment, and poverty  

When the money problems associated with the U.S. public debt and the ceiling on government spending due to the public debt are resolved by converting from the current Debt/Credit-Based Monetary System to the proposed Asset/Capital-Based Monetary System, the Federal Government will be able to generate funding for much needed infrastructure projects and the proposed environmental projects, which will create many new jobs and new industries.  When the Asset/Capital-Based Monetary System is implemented, the banks will no longer be able to inflate the economy with unsupported bank debt, and an estimated $92.6 billion in revenue from interest charged to the banks would be added to the federal budget to help pay off the public debt.  When the federal minimum wage is gradually increased from $7.25 per hour to $15.00 per hour, as proposed by the U.S. House of Representatives, all households would exceed the federal poverty threshold and federal, state, and local governments would receive additional tax revenues and spend less on poverty programs.  These additional tax revenues, along with the funds made available by the Asset/Capital-Based Monetary System, would enable federal, state, and local governments to begin investing in our national infrastructure, which is currently experiencing a $2.1 trillion shortfall, and create many new jobs.

The proposed Asset/Capital-Based Monetary System would also make it possible for the federal government to begin investing in the proposed initiatives for a 100% recycling program for the nation, which would begin repairing the damage to our environment caused by over a century of neglect.  These new recycling industries would create new jobs, new technologies, new industries, and new sources of revenue for federal, state, and local governments.  The initial investments by the federal government would be grants with goals and timetables to colleges and universities, the scientific community, and industry to develop and design automated processes and equipment for the construction of prototype plants for each recycling initiative.  These grants to colleges and universities would provide additional revenue to help bring down the costs of a college education in America. 

Under the proposed Asset/Capital-Based Monetary System, some of the money needed to support the M2 Money Supply would be issued by the Department of the Treasury and would be backed by the assets of the Federal Government (the people) and the rest would come from money backed by labor, materials, assets, and capital (solid rocks).  The banks and other lending institutions, large businesses, and the Federal Government (until the federal budget is balanced) would borrow money from the federally controlled Federal Reserve Banks to fund their operations at interest rates based on established criteria, which should be no less than 2% for mortgages and loans to stimulate the economy, and no less than 6% for credit card loans.  The interest received by the Treasury from the Federal Reserve Banks, the Federal Government, and other lending institutions, along with Savings Bonds sold to the public, would be used to pay off the national debt, fund new infrastructure and environmental projects that benefit the people, and reduce taxes to businesses and individuals.  This new monetary system would enable America to create an excess of new jobs in the economy, which would lead to the following foreign initiatives:

  1. The excess American jobs created by the new monetary system from investments in infrastructure and environmental projects, along with tax incentives to recover or replace the outsourced jobs that directly impact the social, economic, and military security of the country, would provide full employment for all Americans who are willing and able to work.  The U.S. Department of Education would work with educational institutions and American industries to match the skills of the nation with the needs of American industries.  Outsource the excess American jobs to other countries, particularly underdeveloped countries, to help them improve their standard of living and environment.
  2. Work with other countries to back up their monetary systems with their natural resources, raw materials, and other capital resources (solid rocks), rather than the credit worthiness of each country (shifting sand), so that America can build trade relationships that will provide economic benefits for our country as well as the other countries involved.
  3. Work with other countries to develop a system that would allow the currencies of countries to be used as a medium of exchange, rather than a commodity, with the goal of establishing a stable worldwide standard for evaluating the currencies, commodities, natural resources, raw materials, and other capital resources of all countries.
  4. Export the technologies we develop for 100% recycling plants, and assist other underdeveloped countries in building recycling plants and finding applications for the recycled raw materials within their own country.  The objectives of America would be to lead the struggle to recover the worldwide damage that has occurred to the earth’s environment, and to improve the standard of living of the citizens of every country, so that they will become better trading partners for all American products and services.
  1. Cyber-crime and identity theft within and across U.S. borders

Since identity theft of some kind is usually one of the main components of most crimes involving credit cards, healthcare, and cyber-crime, the way to fight identity theft is to make it very difficult for a person’s identity to be stolen.  Fingerprint technology is a proven way to prevent identity theft.  The proposed Public Personal Identification System (PPIS), which would be maintained by the Census Bureau as a separate database accessible by the public, would include fingerprint technology to protect the American people from ciber-crime and identity theft.  The application of the proposed PPIS to the issues of ciber-crime and identity theft are discussed in detail in the “Fix Our Democracy” Section of this website.

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