Campaign Platform
Return the Power of Government to the American People
Symbols of the Ten Universal Principles
The logo on the right represents the Universal Principles, which were derived from the Holy Bible, that will promote peace, prosperity, and survival for all who follow them, no matter their race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religious beliefs (belief in God, agnostic, or atheist), economic status, or political affiliation. They establish moral foundations and internal spiritual controls that help unify and motivate people from different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, and political affiliations to work together for the common good of all people.
The Ten Universal Principles are:
- Universal Principle #1 (UP-1) - Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and protect innocent children. (Survival)
- Universal Principle #2 (UP-2) - Subdue the earth by being good stewards of the natural resources created by God. (Natural Resources)
- Universal Principle #3 (UP-3) - Eat the flesh of animals, if we desire, but refrain from eating their blood (Atonement).
- Universal Principle #4 (UP-4) - Exercise dominion over and be good stewards of all the living things created by God. (Environment)
- Universal Principle #5 (UP-5) - Treat the life of every human being as sacred, and treat other people the way we want to be treated (Social Harmony)
- Universal Principle #6 (UP-6) - Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy by being a good steward of our physical body and mind. (Personal Well-being)
- Universal Principle #7 (UP-7) - Recognize and acknowledge when we have been proven to be wrong (Conviction).
- Universal Principle #8 (UP-8) - Confess when we are wrong (Confession).
- Universal Principle #9 (UP-9) - Repent of our wrongdoing and ask God (if there is belief in God) and those we have wronged for forgiveness. (Repentance).
- Universal Principle #10 (UP-10) - Forgive those who have treated us wrong (Forgiveness).
The Purpose of the ASRP is to Utilize the Ten Universal Principles to Promote:
- Unity
- Accountability
- Economic Growth
The Goals of the ASRP are to:
- Eliminate the Gridlock Between the Political Parties in Washington D.C.
- Return the Power of Government to the People
- Provide Full Employment for All Eligible American Citizens
The Concepts of the ASRP will be Based on:
- Love
- Truth
- Transparency
- Competition
- Common Sense
The Objectives of the ASRP are to:
- Fix Our Relationships
- Fix Our Democracy
- Fix Our Money
- Fix Our Infrastructure
- Fix Our Environment
- Fix Our Foreign Policy
We currently face a leadership crisis in America, because the founders of this nation designed our government to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. But instead, we have a government of the special interests, by the special interests, and for the special interests.
Our elected politicians appear to be controlled by an institutionalized system of bribery where leaders are chosen based on the amount of money they can raise to discredit their opponents, rather than the ideas they have for the advancement and prosperity of the nation. Legislation is passed or not passed based on the power of money and lobbyists who dominate the decision-making process at the committee level where laws are written.
Politicians appear to have more loyalty and allegiance to the political parties they belong to and the special interest groups that keep them in power, than the nation and the people they are elected to serve. We need Universal Principles to help us find leaders who are accountable to the people they are elected to serve.
In our government, the House, Senate, and White House currently work like the Three Stooges. When the party of two of the Stooges is in power, the party of the third Stooge looks for ways to maintain their power in Congress, and they find uncooperative ways to exercise their power. Consequently, we have a stalemate and gridlock in Washington, which strangles the progress of the nation, because each party has its own agenda and there is no unity.
Instead, the House, Senate, and White House should work like the Three Musketeers. They should follow Universal Principles that will allow them to work as one, like the Three Musketeers, for the well-being of the whole nation. We the people need Universal Principles that will help us to identify and elect more Musketeers and transform the Stooges into Musketeers, who can work in unity for the benefit of everyone.
We must be aware of what Scripture teaches us, “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” (Mark 3:24-25). To strengthen our democracy and address our problems, we must have Universal Principles that create transparency and unity.
The proposed Comprehensive 8-Year American Strategic Reform Plan (ASRP), which is based on the Universal Principles, has been designed to address the root causes of all of the major systemic problems that we are facing in our nation and the world. It is based on research to find the root causes of our problems and then Universal Principles were applied to the problems to develop common-sense proposals for the solutions to these problems. The ASRP provides a legislative agenda for America to recover from the internal 50/50 gridlock devastating the nation socially and economically and to begin addressing the corruption driven by Money Power.
The Universal Principles were derived from the Holy Bible to establish moral foundations and internal spiritual controls that can help to unify and motivate people from different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, and political affiliations to work together for the common good of all people.
This unity is desperately needed in Congress to identify the Musketeers from both political parties who are willing to work together to achieve the two-thirds majority required to pass the reform legislation that will lead to a more perfect union. This ASRP will also identify the Stooges who are willing to do anything, say anything, and abandon their integrity and oaths of office to stay in power. We the people will then be able to send the Stooges home at the next mid-term election and elect more Musketeers.
It is proposed that this ASRP be debated in Congress during the next president’s first term in office no matter which presidential candidate wins the presidential election because if former President Trump wins, the country will face a severe crisis in our democracy, and if Vice-President Harris wins, the 50/50 gridlock of the past few decades will likely continue and it will be challenging for her to get her legislative agenda passed in Congress.
Our next president can move from the Hope of President Obama, who risked his political career to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACE) that serves the American people; from the Possibility of President Biden, who gave up his political career to help ensure that the great initiatives and programs he started for the American people will continue; to the Probability that the next president can achieve unity, accountability, and prosperity for the American people by establishing a detailed reform plan that addresses all of the major systemic problems facing our nation.
I have been trying for years to get these reforms debated in Congress because I am a victim of the corruption in our government, along with over 90% of the American population. However, I will not attempt to promote these reforms this late in the election because it would likely hand the election to former President Trump. What we the people can do is use the ASRP to hold the next president and Congress accountable for the corruption and unlawful conduct that they may knowingly or unknowingly perpetrate against the American people.
I am requesting that those of you who agree that the ASRP should be debated by Congress during the first term of the next president, to address the corruption in our government, please buy one or more of the ASRP promotional T-shirts on this website and pass them out to your friends and relatives who may also agree. Even if the ASRP is not debated by Congress during the the President’s first term,
Appendix 15A below is a synopsis of the proposed ASRP, which outlines the proposed 8-year legislative agenda for each of the six proposed objectives: Fix Our Relationships, Fix Our Democracy, Fix Our Money, Fix Our Infrastructure, Fix Our Environment, and Fix Our Foreign Policy. A detailed discussion of the proposals concerning each objective is provided under each of these tabs on this website.
Appendix 15B is a synopsis of proposals with the Universal Principles Applied to Specific Family Issues that include: child Abuse, same-sex or gay marriages, abortion, planned parenthood, prostitution/human trafficking, and mental health/homelessness. A detailed discussion of the proposals concerning each of these Specific Family Issues is provided in Chapter 24 of Volume 4 of this book.
Appendix 15C is a synopsis of proposals with the Universal Principles Applied to Specific Governmental Issues that include: crime/prisons, income-unemployment/poverty, illegal immigration/drug trafficking, reparations for slavery and other discriminations, internal/external crime and cybercrime, and the personal well-being of citizens. A detailed discussion of the proposals concerning each of these Specific Governmental Issues is provided in Chapter 25 of Volume 4 of this book.
Appendix 15A - Proposed Comprehensive 8-Year American Strategic Reform Plan (ASRP)
Appendix 15B - Universal Principles Applied to Specific Family Issues
Appendix 15C - Universal Principles Applied to Specific Governmental Issues